"Because you Deserve a Break!"
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The following are Intermission in Georgia's favorite local charities.

The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army shelters the homeless, clothes the needy, assists with utilities. They are provide emergency assistance to victims of natural disasters. The Salvation Army is a Christian ministry, and as such provides spiritual care.

A fun way to support The Salvation Army is through a Penny Drive. By saving pennies (an other change as desired), anyone, regardless of financial status can contribute to this special organization that is a blessing to any community in which it is located.

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Graceway Recovery Residence

Graceway Recovery Residence is a faith-based long-term substance abuse rehabilitation program for women. The program employs the Akron AA Twelve-Step plan that uses spiritual principles that lead to a personal relationship with a loving Heavenly Father. Women in the program are encouragd to pursue education and employment goals, and also to fulfil family responsibilities.

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